Friday, September 7, 2018

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero - Book Review

"You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero is a book I stumbled on while scrolling through Hoopla for a new self help book to try. I decided to read it because it had about a four star average on Goodreads, although I would say I am more in the 3 star area on this one. The author did not reinvent the self help wheel for me, but she did make it more entertaining and engaging than most authors. There are concepts in this book thought that you just have to buy into, like "source energy", or in my case, just completely gloss over them. What I did get out of this book though was the benefit of positive self talk. Pursuing your passions in life because you're excited about them, they're important to you - but what bothered me is that she would say something incredibly encouraging that I agreed with, and then in the very next paragraph she would say something that made me strongly question her critical thinking skills - which isn't a great impression to get from somebody who you're taking advice from. If you've read "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero let me know what you thought of it below in the comments. Or, let me know what your favorite self help book is!


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