Tuesday, November 7, 2023

How did "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick End? All the Spoilers and Twists!


Cover of "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick

How did "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick end? Have you finished reading "The Measure" and now you need to discuss the ending? Can you not remember how "The Measure" ends, or maybe you just want to skip finding out the summary and spoilers? Get refreshed on "The Measure" before heading off to book club tonight? Keep reading to discuss this fiction novel and all of the twists and turns at the end!

Spoilers ahead!

How Did "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick End?

What Are the Twists and Spoilers?

The story really starts to move with Hank's death. Hank jumps in front of a bullet aimed at Anthony Rollins, a presidential nominee. Rollins also happens to be Jack's uncle. Initially, it is thought the shooter was motivated by her grief over having a short string. As it turns out, she did not know she had a short string because she never opened her box. Later, we find out that the shooter was actually upset with Rollins because he was involved in the death of her brother thirty years earlier during a fraternity initiation party. She knew she wouldn't be able to kill Rollins because he had a long string, but she was hoping to inflict some harm on him. When the shot is fired, Hank heroically jumps in front of it not knowing who might be hit, and dies. 

Javier dies in a military operation while rescuing volunteers with Doctors Without Borders. Javier volunteers to be a decoy, and his team agrees thinking that Javier has a long string. They were therefore unworried that he would die acting as a decoy. Dr. Anika Singh is one of the rescued individuals from Doctors Without Borders, she is also a friend, and former love interest, of Hank's. At Javier's funeral Dr. Singh approaches Jack and shares that she was inspired by Javier's life and that his impact reminded her of another friend with a short string, the reader knows that she is referring to Hank.

After Javier's death, Jack admits to Javier's parents that he did switch strings with their son. Jack did not mention however that it was actually his idea to switch strings. After speaking with Javier's parents and getting their blessing, Jack decides to go public with their story. Jack goes to a short string foundation, the Johnson Foundation, where Maura is the director of communications. She promises to share their story. Shortly thereafter we learn that Maura passes away due to a heart defect that had been undetected. After Maura's death, we learn that her work promoting Jack and Javier's story led to the overturning of the STAR initiative by the Supreme Court. 

Amie and Ben both pass away. Amie marries Ben, knowing that he has a short string. Because Amie has never checked her box she does not know that her string is short as well. They are both killed in a car accident together, and when they die Nina takes care of their two children.

And that's a wrap on "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick! Did I miss any twists or major ending plot points? Comment below! Or tell me your novel exploring death and fate! Thanks for reading, readers!

Looking for more spoilers? Check out the plot twists below!